How Important is a Brand’s Online Appearance [Infographic]

With online shopping rising to new levels during in 2020, the importance of making the right impression with your website and social media presence is also seeing heightened significance. When people go looking for your business online, they’re not only searching for the best deal, they also want assurance, a level of professionalism and quality, which can be communicated, or not, via your digital representation.

As such, investing in these areas is now key. This is reinforced by a new report from OnePoll, commissioned by GoDaddy, for which they surveyed 2,000 Americans and 500 small business owners, to glean some insight into the current state of play.

Among their key findings:

  • The average person has abandoned 24 online purchases this year because a company’s website looked unprofessional. 
  • 82% of respondents admitted to being less likely to make a purchase if a website appears dated
  • 92% of small business owners feel that their website appearance has affected their sales

OnePoll has provided an overview of its top-line findings in the below infographic – some key points to note in your strategic approach. 

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Why You Need A Website
