A Business Guide to Pinterest [Infographic]

Pinterest has long been one of the most powerful and popular social media apps for marketing, and as far eCommerce marketing potential, specifically, is concerned, all marketers should be aware of the potential of the platform for driving discovery and purchase activity.

With evolving in-stream shopping tools, combined with a large, and growing user base, it’s worth considering if and how Pinterest might fit into your digital marketing plan. The rise in eCommerce more broadly means that the future is looking bright for the platform, and with continued investment into new video and AR tools, there’s a heap of potential. Spending some time in the app, and getting familiar with what’s happening in your niche, may well be worth the time investment.

To provide some more perspective on this, the team at VizionOnline have put together a quick infographic cheat sheet featuring everything a marketer needs to know when it comes to Pinterest.

It’s not just recipes, artwork and pretty pictures – here are 20 key Pin facts, plus some tips for getting you started with Pinterest marketing.

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