F(x)tec Thermo1 – the contactless temperature scanner combating covid-19

London based smartphone brand, F(x)tec is bringing to market its own contactless facial recognition thermometer, to help businesses reduce the spread of Covid-19 and restore confidence amongst employees and customers as UK lockdown measures ease. 

With a fever being the most common symptom of coronavirus, temperature screening will play a vital role in safeguarding work and public spaces. Advanced technology is set to facilitate our ability to track & trace those with the virus, and ease the return to work by identifying infection at source and stopping those with a fever from entering the building. As well as detecting fever symptoms, temperature scanners can significantly boost people’s confidence upon returning to work and provide reassurance that effective and accurate measures are in place to protect everyone. 

F(x)tec’s Thermo1 is a great solution for small to medium sized businesses, placed at the entrance of a building or reception area for automatic temperature recording of a person when stood in front of the device, even whilst wearing a protective mask (PPE). The internal software is supported by advanced thermal imaging technology and temperature calculation algorithms, taking fast and highly accurate readings (+ or – 0.3 degrees C) in a safe and non-intrusive approach. This contactless approach eliminates the need for unnecessary human interaction, and reduces the spread of infectious viruses within enclosed spaces. This is unlike other solutions such as Oblime, which requires you to physically hold the device in order to take a person’s temperature.

Not only can Thermo1 detect a person’s temperature within 0.2 seconds, but it’s facial recognition software can identify pre-registered faces to monitor employee attendance and can be linked to access control to secure buildings. For example, elevated temperatures alert the user (and security) and are denied access to the building. Of course, businesses can choose whether or not they want to store the data recorded (which is fully compliant with GDPR guidelines), or use Thermo1 for temperature screening only. 

Co-founder Adrian Li Mow Ching says: “We want to use technology to help keep people safe and give businesses peace of mind when it comes to returning to work, and we are confident in our ability to do so with Thermo1. The device is already being used in restaurants, retail and commercial office spaces as an effective and non-intrusive solution to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus”. 

We are seeing so many businesses across the world slowly starting to re-open their doors in attempts of returning to some kind of normalcy amidst Covid-19. However, with this comes the increased risk of contracting and spreading the virus, which cannot be fully controlled with PPE alone. Hence why stringent health and safety measures need to be implemented to mitigate the immediate risks of relaxing lockdown and also to reassure employees that they can return to work feeling confident that they will be safe. This contactless temperature screening solution is unlike safety measures people might already be taking to keep themselves healthy and covid-free at home, and is specifically designed to encourage people to return to business as usual using fever detection. 

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