This is interesting – today, Instagram has published the first edition of its new ‘Instagram Insider‘ digital magazine, which aims to highlight key content trends, based on Instagram activity, as well as influential creators on the platform.
As explained by Instagram:
“If you’ve ever spent an indulgent weekend afternoon scrolling through your feed, Explore or Shop tab, liking and saving posts, then this ‘zine is for you! ‘Instagram Insider’ is about inspiration and discovery – not just of the trends (Crafty quilted fashion! Stick-on beauty products! Vintage streetwear!), but the people behind them.”
The 9-page magazine, which you can download in PDF form, includes overviews of key, rising trends, with example images, and links to top creators to follow.

It also features brief profiles of selected creators, along with emerging trend tips.

Instagram also answers some key, common platform questions in the last section:

A summary of the questions and IG’s responses here:
- Profile verification is only available to profiles that represent “a well-known, highly searched for person or brand”
- Hashtags are “the primary way” that people search and discover content on Instagram, and you should add three-to-five highly relevant hashtags to all of your posts (don’t add too many)
- Instagram’s currently testing a new option that enables users to display total like counts or not on their posts (more info here)
- Instagram is working on new link options in Stories (likely referring to its coming link stickers) which could make Stories links available to all users
Some handy reference info, and it’s an interesting guide overall, with a range of helpful notes and pointers on key trends and tips.
The magazine is essentially designed to appeal to users, and those looking at what to buy via Instagram trends, but it also provides plenty of food for thought for marketers and advertisers as well. Based on this, you may be able to find new angles to shape your own Instagram strategies, while the Q and A section could also be helpful in addressing some of your queries.
Either way, it’s short, it’s free, and you can download it here. Worth checking out when you get a chance.