LinkedIn Publishes New Guide on Establishing a Thought Leadership Strategy

With 66% of professionals noting that they would be more likely to recommend a company or brand if they followed a company executive on social media, the importance of thought leadership, and highlighting your internal experts via social platforms, clearly has merit.

But it’s not so easy to establish people as thought leaders – it’s not a ‘set and forget’ or simply automated task that you can assign to just anybody, or expect from all employees.

So how can you go about mapping an effective, responsive thought leadership growth strategy to highlight your internal champions and executives?

This week, LinkedIn has published a new, 50-page guide on exactly that.

In its “Business of Thought Leadership” guide, LinkedIn shares a range of tips and notes on thought leadership approaches, beginning with the basics of how to get started.

LinkedIn provides a range of insights, including pointers on how to approach your strategy, and how to develop your leadership voice.

LinkedIn Thought Leadership Guide

LinkedIn also provides real-life examples of leaders, and how they approach their content.

LinkedIn Thought Leadership guide

As well as more specific notes on how to use LinkedIn’s tools to maximize your reach and resonance.

LinkedIn thought leadership guide

In this respect, the guide goes hand in hand with LinkedIn’s latest tools for member profiles, which enable users to expand their content reach, and build their presence on the platform via live-streaming and honing in on specific industry topics.

Used in conjunction with these tips, the latest creator tools will help LinkedIn users further solidify their presence, and connect with more people within their respective fields.

Which is why this is a perfect time to download and check out this new guide. There’s a heap of helpful notes in here to help share your strategy – and even if you’re confident in your process, it’s worth having a read to ensure you’re covering all angles.

You can download LinkedIn’s “The Business of Thought Leadership” guide here.

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