If you’re looking to utilize Pinterest for your business, then this is the guide for you.
This week, Pinterest has published its 2020 advertising guide, which includes overviews and insights on all aspects of the platform – from the basics of creating an account, and how Pins works, to how the platform influences purchase decisions, and the various ad tools at your disposal.
You can download the full, 46-page guide here, and it’s well worth doing so, but here’s a look at some of the key points of note.
Pinterest starts off its guide by once again looking to separate itself from the ‘social media’ app tag.
“People come to Pinterest to plan for what could happen, not scroll through pictures of what already did. And that future-focused mindset is exactly what makes Pinterest so valuable as an advertising platform. People on Pinterest are ready to take action.”
Pinterest has long touted itself as a discovery network, not a social app, and that – as it looks to display in this chart – is a significant point to note in terms of how and why people use it.
Pinterest users, it says, are on the right side of this chart, looking for new possibilities.
“Most people use Pinterest to decide their next purchase and start their search early. When they’re browsing. When they’re still undecided on what they want. When they’re looking for inspiration to help guide them as they start to make their decisions. That’s why 97% of the top searches on Pinterest are non-branded. That means that people come looking for something in particular but not a brand in particular – yet.”
This is the use case that Pinterest’s guide looks to underline – that brands should be looking to use Pinterest to tap into that more open mindset, where people are actively looking for new things, new discoveries. That leads to users not only being more open to suggestion, but also, with more open wallets.

The guide covers a range of key stats and insights on who’s using the platform, including statistical breakdowns by region.

It also provides detailed notes on how to reach them – check out this overview of Pinterest’s ad tools and where they fit in the purchase cycle.

Pinterest also shares more recent engagement stats and trends to help guide your approach.

You want regional usage stats?

Pinterest also shares recommendations on how to effectively advertise on the platform, linking into the noted usage behaviors.

Pinterest also includes detailed breakdowns of every element, including ad specs, image notes – even down to explaining the specific detail of effective Pins.

It’s the most comprehensive marketing overview of Pinterest that I’ve seen – and I’ve read most of them. If you’re even considering using Pinterest for marketing, it’s worth taking a look, and getting a better understanding of what’s on offer.
Also, there’s this:
“Pinterest is the last positive, optimistic corner of the internet. A safe place that’s inspirational, helpful and productive. Now more than ever, people on Pinterest are looking to stay positive and grounded amid uncertainty.”
I mean, that’s probably overstating it, but it’s an interesting note – with the various happenings of 2020 weighing on people, many are looking for an escape, a moment of relief from the relentless news cycle.
Maybe, Pinterest can offer that – and maybe, by tapping into these trends, your business can benefit from such interests.
You can download the full Pinterest Media Agency Advertising Guide here.