Many things have changed over the last 12 months, with the COVID-19 pandemic having a major impact on how we work, play – really, how we do everything.
Two business sectors specifically impacted by the pandemic have been hospitality – and restaurants specifically – and home entertainment. Restaurants have had to quickly pivot to put more focus on home delivery options, while home entertainment has become a much bigger focus, with all of our regular, out of the home options off the cards.
That’s lead to some major habitual changes in how we use these services, which could have long-lasting impacts. And even if we do get to a stage where things can revert to some level of normal, that still won’t happen for some time – which is why this week, Pinterest has published two new guides, one for restaurants and one for streaming services, which outline how these businesses can plan their Pin marketing efforts for the year ahead.
And they include a heap of helpful notes, including insights into Pinterest audience trends and traits to assist in campaign planning:
There are also trend projections to better map the way forward:

And more in-depth data on specific usage trends:

And while the insights are relative to these specific sectors, they also point to broader usage trends, which could help in planning for other sectors:

There are also planning guides:

And overviews of the platform’s ad options and tools:

As noted, even if you don’t operate in these sectors, if you’re interested in Pinterest marketing, there are some interesting notes and pointers which may relate to your approach.
You can download Pinterest’s planning guide for streaming services here, and its off-premises planning guide for restaurants here. Worth a look if you’re considering Pinterest in your 2021 strategy.