Looking for ways to up your Twitter game?

This week, Twitter’s Customer Success team has provided some key tweet tips to help maximize your brand’s presence on the platform.

Among their top points of note, Twitter says that businesses should:

  • Use Website Cards – Website cards provide auto-generated, clickable link preview cards within your tweets, which can help to drive traffic (more about Twitter cards here)
  • Keep it simple – Twitter says that brands should be careful to avoid potential ‘exit points’ within their tweets “like unnecessary hashtags or handle mentions – anything that someone can click on that is not the ad [or link] itself”. Twitter has repeatedly advised limiting hashtags in recent months.
  • Try video – Like all platforms, video performs best for engagement within tweets
  • Create Twitter Lists – You can use lists to keep up with people in your industry, competitors, etc.

Twitter has incorporated these, and more tweet tips into a new infographic. Worth considering in your strategic approach.